Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We hear a lot about legacy, leaving something behind for those who follow, our children, other family, even our mates to some extent.  Boomers are particularly sensitive to this need, since we've never quite made friends with the idea of accepting things as they were, slowing down, retiring, sitting around, and talk of moving to Autumn Acres.  We know aging is mandatory--and it certainly beats the alternative--but we don't take it lying down, and legacy looms in all that we do.  We don't want to hear about soft landings; we want to hear about new takeoffs, and the next adventure.  Sixty is the new forty.  We need to leave the campsite cleaner than we found it.  
There's that 'L' word again.  Legacy.  Do we endow that school for AD/HD kids, or underwrite the local symphony?  Heifer International needs $ for cows and ducks and chicks--what about that?  Can we squeeze in a month to help Habitat build a home?  Here's a legacy for you: Caffection in your relationship, and displaying that every day to your kids, grandkids, and any young people you see.  Let those just starting out know that marriage to your best friend is all that makes sense, and more powerful than any force of nature.  That's well worth doing.  That's legacy. 

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