Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wanted: Photos of Happy Couples

We're searching for pictures of happy couples for a new musical photo album. The musical photo album "Mine" was a great hit, enjoyed by those in it as well as their family and friends. Albums that share the joy vibrant relationships bring fosters a greater sense of community for all of us. So if "happy couple" describes your relationship, or if you're not in a relationship, but know a couple who fits the bill, please send us a picture.
Our hope is to fill the Caffection website with testimonials and photos that tell the story of love. For those of you who've sent us pix & stories, Thank You and feel free to send another (perhaps a funny story or a wedding incident -- though this one is hard to top)
Let's work together and build a community of people who support marriage and all it has to offer.
p.s. Congrats and Thank You Jill & Kevin -- your creativity and generosity are enriching marriage and supporting a fabulous cause! We're encouraging our readers who've enjoyed your video to make a donation to the Sheila Wellstone Institute too.

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