Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Connection or Affection?

The question for caffected couples is: Are you caffected because you get along so well, or do you get along so well because you're caffected?  Chicken or Egg? Night or Day? Black or White?
One of our mentors, T. Harv Eker has a possible solution to such enigmas--he says "always think both".  Eker is right; we tend to think in such dualistic terms like black or White, In or Out, On the bus or Off the Bus.  Such a mentality limits us when there are no limits.  So it's possible that regardless of the question, the answer could be--Yes!
Today in History: The Hale/Bopp comet was discovered 1995.
Famous Birthday: Dodgers Hall of Fame shortstop Harold Pee Wee Reese  1919.  

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