Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sexy Mate Affirmation

Though 'internet' has yet to be selected in the survey to the left, we know many couples surf the net together. We enjoy watching fun video clips others recommend to us, researching new ideas, and looking up information about great travel destinations. When the Caffection website goes live, you'll have the opportunity to receive a weekly affirmation. Recently we've asked some friends to carry around affirmation pocket cards that read: "I love being married to ________, my sexy mate!" They're instructed to touch the card at least 3 times a day & silently repeat the affirmation, as well as send a blessing to their mate. The idea is to see if affirmations work as well for other couples as they do for us. The answer is...yes! It's pretty cool to think of your (sexy) mate in the middle of the day, and get to climb into bed with them at the end of your day, even if it's just to cuddle. When you're caffected, and you're both too tired too make love, your relationship allows you to snuggle as you drift off to sleep. This is one of the many reasons being married to your best friend is the most romantic thing in the world.
Today in History: President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare bill into law 1965.
Famous birthday: Legendary baseball player/manager Casey Stengel 1890.

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