Saturday, November 22, 2008

Life Challenges

On the occasional day when many things go awry, it's difficult to stay focused on the positives. Take the time to do a mental state change... a what? A state change. A state change is, as Peak Potentials taught us, an activity you do to create energy when you're feeling sluggish. Some examples; when you're struggling with balancing the checkbook, take a 4 minute break to watch a video from Simple Truths. It's free, it's simple and it's inspiring. How about this one, imagine yourself wearing a kilt or playing the bagpipes (now if that doesn't make you break into a wide grin, picture your mate in one!) If you can't leave work and you're stressed; stand up, take a few deep breaths and think of your favorite childhood 'hide-out'. You're in traffic, you're late, the dog ate your new slippers, remember your pocket affirmation. This week use life's little challenges as opportunities for mental state changes. You'll be amazed how great you'll feel!

The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.
William James

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