Solid, committed relationships should be embraced as the gold standard for everyone in pursuit of the American Dream. From a very young age we're taught the value of family. You remember; 2 parents, one car, two kids, a home with a white picket fence, a dog (or a
Box Turtle) and bikes with streamers in the handle bars. Today life's a bit more hectic, creating an even greater need for a strong 2 parent family nucleus. Two loving, committed
parents. Two people who love each other first and foremost. Two people who treasure their relationship.
And this is why we advocate for
Healthy, vibrant marriages are vital to our country's stability and future. Civil rights
education is needed on every level. Solid, committed relationships are to be embraced as the gold standard for everyone in pursuit of the American Dream. It's our goal, through Caffection! Married to My Best Friend, to affirm all Caffected Couples and to stand by their side now and on the glorious day of their