Thursday, July 31, 2008
Vacation Days
Waking with your best friend
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
SPAM defined
Sexy Mate Affirmation
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
100 months!
Affirming My Best Friend
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sex Over Forty
A series of e-books we offer from Caffection Press is You Know You're Caffected When... Number 2 title in this series is simply YKYCW For Lovers. In this particular book, one page states "You know you're caffected when... celebrate your anniversary--in months! If you celebrate your anniversary in months, chances are good that you're caffected. Congratulations. Romance never gets old, and a love affair with your best friend is far and away the best of everything. Tomorrow Mariah & I will have been married (and caffected) for 100 months. We still find novel ways to surprise and delight each other. Between us we have likely written several thousand pages back and forth, sharing thoughts, marking our days and nights together, a longstanding silent journal of our caffected relationship. It never gets old. Soon the entire set of YKYCW e-books (and real books) will be available from Caffection Press. Check back with us; the website is nearly ready, and when it is there will be a delightful array of books we offer you to enhance and celebrate your own elite status as caffected couples. (Wait'll you see Journal Across the Sheets. You'll start your own written history.)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thank you for loving me, flaws and all
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Good Company
Travel the World with your Best Friend
Friday, July 25, 2008
Romance Quiz
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Mobile University
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Connection or Affection?
The question for caffected couples is: Are you caffected because you get along so well, or do you get along so well because you're caffected? Chicken or Egg? Night or Day? Black or White?
Fun Quotes
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Love Making Energy
Caffection and the Sacred
Monday, July 21, 2008
Weekly book review
That's what Caffection provides, in every sense. In a Caffected relationship, infidelity is a vague concept, an unfortunate social reality 'out there' that always indicates a traumatic shortcoming in a relationship. Exclusivity is a lot more than sexual fidelity, though; it's physical, emotional, social, certainly financial these days, and psychological. In exclusivity there's a degree of safety--not just in terms of physical ease with a mate, but of course in terms of our health, too. What it all boils down to is that exclusivity and fidelity, and therefore Caffection have never been so critically important.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Positive Quotes Add Romance
Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends. Harville Hendrix
Leaving positive quotes in your lover's pocket to find later in the day, or even in another season (if you tuck it in when putting the winter coats away in March... or May if you live in the Midwest!) is a great way to tell your mate just how much you love them. An easy way to do this is to print a quote, which we'll provide for you on the soon to be launched Caffection: Married To My Best Friend website. We've come to realize it's just as much fun to give the quotes in a note as it is to receive them. So start passing out positive quotes with reckless abandon, and feel your positive energy soar.
Best friends forever
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Seven Caffected Wonders of the World
Ah, you've all heard of the 7 Wonders of the World, but have you heard of the Seven Wonders of the World for the Caffected Couple? You already have many of them, now enjoy creating the rest. (*be sure to check out past blogs for details)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Celebration Ideas coming soon
Thursday, July 17, 2008
July Heat
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Family Focus
One thing we focus on with passion at is family, and the benefit to families of being Caffected couples. Kids in 'caffected families' can't help but thrive. A recent article about adoption mentioned the hundreds of displaced children who have found happy, healthy, loving homes with gay couples. This is a commendable thing, and should be encouraged by everyone.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Enthusiastic Marriage
enthusiastic |enˌθoōzēˈastik| adjective
having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
marriage |ˈmarij| noun
the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.
• a similar long-term relationship between partners of the same sex.
What on earth would an enthusiastic marriage entail? Eager enjoyment in your long-term relationship. Many of you reading this look forward to coming home to your mate at the end of the day. Your mate provides a great deal of support, giving you the attention and time you need.
We've all heard of a purpose driven life, which is typically thought of in terms of life goals. Imagine making your mate the purpose of your life. The BIG WHY. For best friends who happen to be happily coupled, it's not a stretch of the imagination.
We dream of the day we can work & travel together, spreading the Caffection message. So go way out there... dream with us. Tell us what your BIG WHY as a couple would be.
We look forward to hearing about your dreams.
Today in History: Apollo/Soyuz, 1st International manned space flight begins 1975.
Famous birthday: Rocker Linda Ronstadt 1946
Monday, July 14, 2008
Expanding the Caffection Network
Monday Book Review: "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting"
Our families will tell you, we weren’t always positive people. We’re who we are now from being in our caffected relationship, weeding out the negatives in our lives (from numerous stimuli), using many great books/CD’s available from the library or bookstore and choosing to focus on the positive life we’re creating. Attitude is a choice.
‘Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting’ by the late Lynn Grabhorn was recommended to us by friends who used her workbook as a couples study guide. That's a great way to build caffection -- strong work K & T.
Ms. Grabhorn believed in the Law of Attraction; focus on the lack or the abundance in your life and you get more of what you’re focusing on. She had us consider our attitude and the vibrational energy we send out into the universe. She’s given us a way to overcome the negative focus, push beyond the norm of societal wants and create a life based on our own choices. While reading her book we wrote a list of what we didn’t want. Once it was complete we shredded it; a very liberating practice that we highly recommend. Making a list of what we want is a continuous and evolving process. We take pleasure in deciding what we want, writing it down, focusing on it, talking about it, declaring it’s on the way and knowing it will show up soon. And guess what? It does. It’s the Law of Attraction; what you focus on expands.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Your blog/website
The more responses we receive on this blog the more we understand the initial wisdom of why we started this: it's not about us; it's for everyone who feels as we do about marriage & caffection, and wants to share whatever they choose about it. It's been truly gratifying (and exciting) to discover that our idea has legs, and that there are so many caffected couples out there. It's not just a local thing, either. We've had responses from Canada, Spain, U.K., all across the U.S., Brazil, Hawaii, and on and on. And one of the most interesting and gratifying revelations in this is that our readers are using the term 'Caffection', which four months ago didn't exist as a word in English, or any other language. But it does now, and couples read it, 'get it', and use it!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
EXCLUSIVE Romantic Getaways
Friday, July 11, 2008
Weekend Advice
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Celebrate your union
We're looking for ways couples celebrate their anniversaries, shared red-letter dates, special occasions etc. If you have a unique, or quirky, or particularly romantic ritual you observe for one of your special days we'd love to hear about it. One way we mark days to remember in our relationship is to simply plan and do nothing else unless it's absolutely necessary--as in there's bleeding or a loss of consciousness involved, or possibly loss of employment! Otherwise we set aside a full day, if we can, to just hang together. We've said it before in the blog, but it's still true, we'd rather go to Target together than to Paris with someone else.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Positive Outlook Creates Romance
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Website Details
Monday, July 7, 2008
Weekly Book Review When I Loved
What an odd feeling waking up with the realization that one is 60! All manner of thoughts crowd in: I can't possibly be 60; I can't possibly NOT be 40 anymore; this means the next biggie is, gulp, 70!; I'm running out of time; I now have the best time to get real work done; I can't wait to not have to work ever again; and finally (for now) "this explains why I'm tired all the time."
Friday, July 4, 2008
Romantic getaway
A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.
Andre Maurois
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Affirmations, we’ve all heard of them, but can they really help build a stronger relationship? You bet they can, and here’s an easy way to do it. Each week we’ll share an affirmation on the Caffection! Married To My Best Friend website (stay tuned for launch details) and a tool for its use. Until then, a handwritten note that says I love my mate will work, fold it & keep it in your pocket. Pull it out, or touch it at least 3 times a day, silently repeat the affirmation and send a blessing to your mate.
There are other times your affirmations can come in handy. When negative people are unavoidably in our environment and become critical or begin to complain, let that trigger your brain to remember the affirmation in your pocket. You may also want to add a mutual goal on the back to focus on as well. Ours is: Our focus is creating MTMBF. We know many couples will ‘get’ caffected. Refuse to get sucked into the negative wave of emotion by shifting your focus to a positive: your mate and your mutual goal. When you’re back together, share how many times that day you had to do this mental state change. You’ll be amazed at how often you’ll have the opportunity to flip your attention to what your focus in life is. Soon this intimate ritual will become second nature. This practice is very bonding, and a great way to build CAFFECTION! When it sends a spark of positive energy through your body; SMILE. People may look at you strange, Let them wonder. You know. No need to explain, you’re married to your best friend. Everyone should have a love like this!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What we do
It has come to our attention that our mission, our BIG WHY is somewhat ambiguous, that our goal is undefined. Since everyone has a big WHY, whether they realize it or not, a life story that propels them forward forcing them out of bed each morning, we'll attempt to clarify ours. It's somewhat easier when the BIG WHY is shared between two people who are crazy about each other, which brings us to the first point.